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<aside> 📌 In this mini-guide you will learn how to get test tokens from the faucet for Seinami Testnet.


Option 1: get 1 SEI and 1 aUSDC under you Sei address. To do this , you write a command !faucet sei1address. Instead of sei1address we write the address of our wallet, which we take from Keplr in the Sei Testnet network


It should look like this: !faucet sei1p5h4vef3fwh2eg9jm96h98a4qfl5a3902wjlkk

⬇️If you have done everything correctly, then you will receive such a notification⬇️


Option 2: get UST2 under you SEI address . To do this , you write a command !faucet ust2 sei1address. Instead of sei1address we write the address of our wallet, which we take from Keplr in the Sei Testnet network
